We are putting together an outstanding program book for all of our attendees this year. It will be packed with guest bio's, essential convention maps and a schedule of events. Information everyone at the convention must have. It will also be a great collectors item as it will also contain art created just for the program book. We are also selling ad space in the program book. If you are looking for very effective ad space to promote your company, club, or other organization to fandom then this is an opportunity you can't pass up. Click on one of the links below to download the ad submission form with all the prices and other information. We must have this form and ad in by May 20, 2017. If you have any questions please contact the convention chair at
Technical specs for program book ads:
Prices for program book ads:
Please email the actual ad to the director. Once we have received your ad payment we will place your ad in the program book.
You can send the completed Sci-Fi Summer 2017 Program Book ad form (PDF version) or Sci-Fi Summer 2017 Program Book ad form (Word version) and payment to:
(If your computer does not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader for the PDF version, click here to download the latest version.)
Also, you can pay for an SFSC program book full page ad through PayPal thru the button here -
You can play a big role in helping to promote the convention. We have a few
items and ideas below that you can use to spread the word about Sci-Fi Summer Con.
If you are a business, club or other organization and are willing to help promote the convention we would like to help promote you in return. Cross-promotion helps the con, your organization, and most of all, the fans!! If you are interested in this cross-promotion please contact the con chair at the director
If you represent a convention, club, retailer, or other organization we would be interested in cross promotions with you. We would be interested in a flyer exchange and any other promotion ideas you might have. Please contact the convention chair at .
Please show your support for SFSC and spread the word a bit with our flyer and / or text messages, below. If you have any questions about them, please let us know!
Sci-Fi Summer Con 2017 flyer
is in PDF format. You can print out a copy and use that as a master to make
many copies to place at local comic stores, club meetings, conventions, other appropriate events.
Also, new, Sci-Fi Summer Con the Flying flyer! -- that is, a paper rocket plane, to print, cut out, fold, and fly!
Complete with jaggies (for those of you who know what those are, you will likely appreciate that)
(important note: please be safe when playing with paper planes! not to be used to cause harm to yourself or others)
If your computer does not have the free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, click here to download the latest version.)
The Sci-Fi Summer Con 2017 text message is a full text description of the con, the prices and all the events you can email to friends or post on newsgroups and Yahoo groups. It's a very fast and efficient way to promote the convention!
Web BannersTo use our banner on your link page, please copy and paste the following code into your web page: |
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